Felony DUI DWI
Felony DUI DWI - Arizona Defense
Arizona DUI DWI, & Drunk Driving Defense
Firm of James Novak, AZ DUI & Criminal Defense Lawyer
Free Initial Consultation for Felony DUI DWI Charges
Call Now (480) 413-1499 Valley -Wide
Felony DUI in ArizonaIn Arizona a DUI arrest is commonly filed as a misdemeanor DUI. However there are three main factors that will escalate a DUI charge to an Arizona Felony DUI, a more serious crime with harsh punishments and life long consequences:.
Three Aggravated DUI Factors that result in Felony DUI1) Arizona aggravated felony DUI will be charged if you have two or more prior DUI convictions within the past seven years. These include getting any of the prior DUI convictions in Arizona or any other state.
2) Arizona aggravated felony DUI will be charged if you were drunk driving, driving under the influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or “impaired to the slightest degree” and a child or children under the age of 15 years old were in the vehicle. Even if it is your first DUI, it will be charged as a felony DUI due to the fact that a child or children were in the vehicle while you were driving or in physical control of the vehicle at the time of the DUI stop.
3) Arizona felony DUI is charged if you were drunk driving, or charged with any DUI DWI while your drivers’ license was revoked, suspended or restricted for any reason.
Felony DUI PenaltiesAn Arizona aggravated felony DUI conviction exposes you to mandatory sentencing guidelines including lengthy supervised probation, felony conviction on your record; jail form 1 day to 1 year; prison form 4 months to 2 ½ years; revocation of your drivers’ license for 3 years and other harsh punishments at the discretion of the Judge.
Felony DUI Lawyer – Strong Defense For Felony DUI ChargesAn Arizona felony aggravated DUI must be handled properly by an experienced criminal defense lawyer who knows not only how to proceed with Arizona DUI cases, but most importantly defends felony DUI charges in Arizona in felony cases which are heard in Arizona Superior Court. The Attorney for the job is James Novak, experienced DUI and criminal defense trial lawyer, and former prosecutor. Some defendants give up hope of even trying to defend themselves and as a result get a swift conviction, and the possibility of undeserved maximum penalties. But the fact is that no DUI DWI or Drunk Driving charge in Arizona is too complex or serious for James Novak, experienced AZ DUI trial and defense lawyer to defend.
If retained he will tailor and build a solid defense strategy on your behalf and present compelling arguments to the court and prosecution in an effort to get your Felony DUI charges in Arizona dismissed. It can and does happen, even in situations that may appear hopeless to you. If the charges can not be dismissed, he will then fight for a reduction in charges or sentencing in an effort to get an outcome that will have the least negative impact on your on your life, future, and freedom.
Proudly Defending Criminal & DUI Charges Valley Wide Cities of Phoenix AZ, Tempe AZ, Mesa AZ, Scottsdale AZ, Chandler AZ, and Gilbert AZ Call (480) 413-1499 The Law Office of James Novak Now for a FREE Consultation for your Felony DUI DWI or Drunk Driving Charges!
**All Arizona Laws are subject to change. Also, every case has it’s own unique set of circumstances. The information in this content may or may not apply to your particular circumstances. For current and updated DUI laws or help surrounding your active DUI charges, contact the Law Office of James Novak for your initial consultation. Up to date information will be provided if your DUI charges are active in Maricopa County, you are in pre-trial phase, and you have not retained legal representation for your DUI charges.