Weapons Charges
Arizona Weapons Charges Defense Attorney
Arizona firearm and weapons charges are usually paired with other criminal offenses such as robbery, burglary and aggravated assault. You may be facing an Arizona weapons charge you may have also been on probation and confronting a probation violation because you were a prohibited possessor. Felony weapons crimes expose a person to harsh criminal penalties, including prison terms.
If you have been arrested for a Gun Crime in Phoenix, Arizona, you need to consult an Arizona Attorney, experienced in Gun Crime Defense.
Using a gun to commit a crime ,or merely possessing such a deadly weapon, can result in serious felony charges and the possibility of years in prison. The Law Office of James Novak, a greater Phoenix, Arizona criminal defense firm provides those charged with Arizona weapons crimes and other serious offenses with a strong criminal defense. As a former Arizona prosecutor and an experienced Arizona criminal defense lawyer, James Novak provides an aggressive defense to attempt to dismiss, negotiate down or fight for the least punishment possible on your Arizona criminal weapons charge.
ARIZONA GUN LAWS, OTHER WEAPONS LAWS. AND CRIMINAL CHARGES IN ARIZONAArizona crimes that involve dangerous and deadly weapons can range in severity and potential criminal sentence. At the Law Office of James Novak, we provide criminal defense for Arizona weapons charges that include:
We are available to defend you against any gun crime charge, including:
- Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm
- Endangerment
- Aggravated Assault
- Using a Weapon in a Threatening Manner
- Displaying a Firearm
- Felon in Possession of a Firearm
- Assault with a Deadly Weapon
- Armed Robbery or Burglary
Attorney James Novak has handled all types of gun crimes, including stand-alone misconduct charges and enhancements on a number of other felony charges including:
- Possession during commission of a crime
- Prohibited possessor
- Prohibited firearms
- Illegal in possession
- Altered serial number
- Unlawful concealment
According to Arizona criminal laws, a dangerous or deadly weapon can be defined as anything designed for lethal use. Common items such as knives and guns may be classified under this definition, but the law also includes items such as such as baseball bats or automobiles
Additionally, any weapons charge that results in a serious injury to another person will have significantly increased sentencing range. An experienced Arizona criminal defense is necessary to make sure that you receive a strong criminal defense and your rights are protected.
Gun Crimes
PHOENIX, ARIZONA, GUN CRIME LAWYEREFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION FOR GUN CRIMESJames Novak is knowledgeable about many viable defenses for weapons charges, from experience on both sides of gun crime prosecutions, and in his Law Firm Criminal Defense Practice. Before private practice, he served as an Arizona prosecutor with the Deputy Maricopa County Attorney where he litigated many gun crimes and weapons charges. He knows how to investigate to find weaknesses in the government's case, and mount a strong defense. He examines many factors including buy not limited to Determining who owned the gun, the strength of the prosecution evidence, your knowledge if any, of the presence of the gun in the car or house, determining if there was a violation of your rights by an illegal search or a faulty warrant.
At the law firm of James Novak is dedicated to fighting for the rights of people accused of gun crimes and other weapons charges. If you or someone you know has been charged with any Arizona gun crimes weapons charge, we are here for you. James Novak understands the stress that an Arizona criminal charge can bring to you and your family. We are here to work hard to take that stress off of your shoulders and aggressively fight to defend your rights and protect your future and your freedom. Contact us at 480-413-1499 for a free initial consultation with an experienced gun crimes criminal defense attorney.